Hey there,

> Many thanks for the replies even though all they really showed was
> that my email was difficult to understand.

> I was interested in the space **between** the blocks rather than
> within them.
> I've been using a macro processor to get some common input for html
> and lout for tables. The asdf and qwer were actually tables created
> in two different ways so that I could compare the results. I was
> surprised when they resulted in one block of text even though
> several blank lines intervened between the blocks; hence my email.

Ah, I think I see now. Then your easiest solution would be to use
this rule:

%!postproc: @@ <BR>

And then type your paragraphs the way you did before, with this


Or, if you prefer it this way (whichever is easier for you to work
recognize when editing it and trying to figure out the layout from
the markup):


Note that you can use other characters instead of @@, but you'll need
to experiment to find ones that work.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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