Hi David,

Emmanuel already brilliantly came up with the killer preproc to rule
them all, so I'll answer the other parts.

On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 21:38, David Young <david.a.yo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm using preproc to tweak the markup to my liking, and one thing I'd
> like to do is use "> " or email style quotes instead of TABs.

One of the goals of v3 is to make it very easy to change the official
markup. But for now, the easiest is to use the preproc and be careful
to avoid false positives, as you mentioned:

> - I think preproc will completely ignore any tags that would effect
> these characters. example
> ```
> Email in verbatim block.
>> but this "quotation" formatting
>> will be replaced with TAB
>> characters, so my end product
>> will be indented
> ```

Here I would use >> instead > to represent each quote level, and then
a final postproc to restore them:

%!postproc: '>> '  '> '

> Also, is the svn version of the code "stable"? and are the changes
> currently in SVN (like the "tags" block) going to be distributed as
> another 2.X version before the big v3?

Yes, the SVN version is very stable. I use it on a daily basis and
just commit tested code. I guess that many others are also using it
instead of the old 2.5.

The original plan was to make the 2.5 -> 3.0 jump, but it's too big
and will take time. So I'll do a 2.6 with the current improvements.

PS: I must confess I'm getting tired of making "releases". Too much
time spent to make something dated, that will not evolve until the
next who-knows-when release that will take too much time again... I do
like the "live" nature of SVN. But well... Stop whining Aurelio :)

Aurélio | www.aurelio.net | @oreio

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