TYJP Costume Purim Party (Costume encouraged, but
Saturday, March 18, 2000
8:00 PM - until ????
Dave Kaye's house in Raleigh

To RSVP or for more info, contact Dave Kaye:
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> or call 858-5607
RSVP by 3/12 to reduce admission cost

Purim shares some rituals with the American Halloween and the Irish
St. Patrick's day.  Saturday, March 18, we'll be celebrating with a big
party and giving away prizes for outrageous, creative, attractive, and
unique costumes.  The crowd will judge.  We'll provide food (hamantashen
and munchies), non-alcoholic beverages, and a limited amount of alcoholic
beverages. You are welcomed to bring food and beverage.  Volunteers are
always needed. Please let us know if you can assist.


Members - $2 with RSVP by 3/12 ($5 without RSVP and after
3/12) Non-members and other guests -$5 with RSVP by 3/12 ($7 after 3/12
and at the door)

Purim is the traditional holiday where people give gifts (Chanukah wasn't
the first). It is also the holiday of excess, cleverness, and
silliness.  A major theme of the holiday is that you should be so 'drunk'
so as not to know the difference between "Blessed be Mordechai" and
"Cursed be Haman."  How to achieve the appropriate level of drunkenness is
up to you. Some choose to become drunken with song, others with
dancing.  Others may choose an easier route. It is all up to you.

4217 Reavis Road
Raleigh, NC 27606

40 to Wade Ave Extension (exit 289)
Take the outer beltline to exit 2A, Western Boulevard
Left at your first light (Subway and Circle K)on to Method
First Left (only 100 yards)on to Reavis 
Travel 500 yards and the house is on the left, the second from the end...
(Brick ranch)

If you would like to know more about the significance of Purim, you may
wish to visit: http://aish.com/holidays/purim/ or read the following
excerpt from the web site.

by Rabbi Shimon Apisdorf

The concept of wearing costumes and of concealing one's identity, is a
recurrent theme throughout Purim.  Examples of hidden identity and
costumes in the Book of Esther include:

When Esther and all the other candidates to become queen are brought to
the palace, they are given their choice of clothing, jewelry and make-up
to wear when presenting themselves to the king.  After being chosen as
queen, Esther conceals her identity as a Jew.  Mordechai's identity as the
one who saves the king's life remains hidden from the king -- until just
the right moment.  King Achashverosh orders Haman to dress Mordecai in
royal garments and parade him through the streets of Shushan.


Clothing makes a definite statement about who we are. But clothing is only
one form of adornment.  By belonging to particular clubs or groups or
organizations, we also adorn ourselves. Our affiliations and associations
make a statement about who we are. So does our furniture, our cars and the
magazines we subscribe to. All are outer manifestations of our inner

On Purim, we radically alter our most fundamental form of outer
expression.  We replace our regular clothing with a costume. In so doing,
we hope not to exchange one costume for another, but to penetrate beneath
the outer layers and discover a hidden essence. On Purim we dress as
someone we could never be -- a king, a queen or even as Haman the
Jew-hater. Stripped of our usual attire, no longer rely on the
externalities of clothing to define us, but
are free to explore a very personal inner world.

Masquerading has a paradoxical way of allowing us to see who we really
are.  By putting on a face that is not mine, I am able to look within and
ask myself, who then am I?

"Were we to take as much pain to be what we ought, as we do to disguise
what we are, we might appear like ourselves without being at the trouble
of any disguise at all." (Francois de la Rochefoucauld)

There is no fear as debilitating as the fear of "what will people
think?"  We become stifled and stilted when we just can't allow ourselves
to be ourselves. All because we are afraid of what people will think.

In this vein, a costume can be liberating. All you need is a mask and some
old clothing and no one will ever know who you are. Suddenly you are free
to be yourself. You can go around telling corny jokes and making people
laugh (if bringing smiles to people's faces is what you would really like
to do).  Or you can spend time visiting a nursing home (if warming lonely
hearts is what you are really all about).  Or you can be a king and treat
your wife like a queen. Or be a horse and give all the neighborhood kids a
ride.  Or anything else you really want to be -- but aren't -- because of
what other people will think.

And if you do it right on Purim, you just might find that you no longer
care as much, about what other people think.


We all have an alter ego, a part of us that would like to be something we
are not. This alter ego is an inner adversary that can foil our best
attempt to achieve what we want to achieve. At times it seems that we are
forever locked in a struggle: us against ourselves.

My teacher, Rabbi Noah Weinberg of Jerusalem, says that on Purim you
should dress up as your alter ego -- and laugh.

Do you want to devote your weekends to bettering your community, but you
feel like going fishing? Then dress up like a fisherman, and laugh at

Do you want to be there when your kids need you, but you feel like
watching a good movie on television? So dress up like a couch potato, and

More than Bart Simpson or Eddie Murphy, there is a deeper side to
laughter.  It cuts things down to size.  Like when we get too serious
about things or overly absorbed in our work, or ourselves.  At these
times, laughter is therapeutic.  It cuts things down to size and helps us
gain some much-needed perspective.

Haman built a gallows upon which to hang Mordecai, and suddenly Haman
himself is hung on those very gallows.  The 13th day of Adar had been
decreed as a day of destruction for the Jewish people; and in a flash it
became a moment of salvation. Laughter comes when a predictable sequence
of events suddenly produces the unexpected.

Purim is a time for tapping into the power of laughter.  We realize that
no matter how bleak things seem, we must never give up hope.  And when we
dress like our alter ego, like a couch potato, a beauty queen, or
president of the United States -- we laugh.  And cut our nemesis down to

>From "One Hour Purim Primer," by Rabbi Shimon
Apisdorf.  <http://www.leviathanpress.com>

TYJP is supported by annual membership dues and the local Jewish
Federations. For more information, please visit http://www.rtpnet.org/tyjp 
or e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Please support tyjp.

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