Come out and join us for a pick-up football game this Sunday (3/12) at
10:30 AM at Lake Crabtree Park.  No amount of football skill is required
-- all we ask is that you come prepared to have fun. We're playing early
to allow individuals to view the ACC Basketball Final at 1:30 PM.

The details:
Lake Crabtree Park is just off of I-40 at exit 285 (Aviation Parkway).
>From Durham, make a right at the top of the ramp and take a left into the
park entrance.  From Raleigh, make a left at the top of the ramp, cross
over the highway and go left into the park entrance.  

We will be playing on the field that is accesible from the first driveway
on the right.  

To RSVP or ask questions, contact Dave Kaye ([EMAIL PROTECTED] - 858-5607)
Hope to see you there.

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Federations. For more information, please visit 
or e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Please support tyjp.

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