Shalom everyone.
In this installment of the TYJP Newsletter, please find details for the following events:
    Saturday, June 5, 2004:  Annual Durham Bulls Baseball Game (RSVP Required by May 31 - Less than a week left.)
    Saturday, June 12, 2004:  8th Annual Komen NC Triangle Race for the Cure (New)
Also, mark your calendars for these events; more information will follow in subsequent Emails.
    Thursday, June 17, 2004:  Happy Hour 
    Sunday, July 4, 2004:  Annual July 4 at Regency Park
    Thursday, July 15, 2004:  Happy Hour
    Sunday, August 8, 2004:  Annual Trip to Emerald Pointe "Wet 'n Wild"
    Sunday, August 15, 2004:  "Jew Brew"
    Thursday, August 19, 2004:  Happy Hour
We also have a few events which the dates still have not been set:
    Pool Party
    Annual Summer Picnic (June or August)
    "Mystery Event" (TBD) (and no, this is not another "Murder Mystery Event")
We also have this special announcement:
Julie and Ken Resnick are putting together a Kabbalah study group.  They will probably be meeting on Monday nights.  They think they have 4-6 people (all female) so far.  Rabbi Aaron of Chabad of Cary (if you haven't met Rabbi Aaron he is a very warm and special person -- check out his web site bio at; he's the one juggling the torches) has agreed to lead the group.
Please contact Ken Resnick at [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you are interested.
Annual Durham Bulls Baseball Game:
When:  Saturday, June 5, 2004 
Time:  4:30 PM EDT (Game starts at 5:00 PM)
Where:  Durham Bulls Athletic Park, Durham, NC
Join TJYP for a summer classic tradition at a Durham Bulls Baseball Game!   This year, we have 20 fantastic tickets on hold, underneath the cover directly behind the plate!!!  Tickets for the game are only $8.00. Game time is at 5:00pm.  Please get your RSVP by May 31 to ensure a reserved ticket (see below); any tickets not purchased by May 31, will be turned back into the box office on June 1.  We are sorry, but no extended RSVPs will be accepted for this event, as no extra tickets will be available through TYJP.
For any questions regarding this event, email Michael Cohen at [EMAIL PROTECTED].  Also, please feel free to refer to the Durham Bulls web site for information about directions, parking, etc:
To RSVP for this event:
Payment ($8.00) for your ticket must be received by May 31, 2004, to RSVP for this event.  You have three options for payment:
Option 1:  Pay Michael Cohen (or other TYJP Board Member) by cash, check, or money order, at any upcoming TYJP event.
Option 2:  Pay Michael Cohen by check or money order, by sending the payment to the following address (please send an acknowledge of your payment to Michael at [EMAIL PROTECTED]):
    Michael Cohen
    308 Silk Hope Drive
    Cary, NC 27519
Option 3:  Pay via PayPal (use the following URL).  We only accept cash transfers; we do not accept credit cards.
8th Annual Komen NC Triangle Race for the Cure:
When:  Saturday, June 12, 2004 
Times:  8:00 AM => Women's 5K Race
             9:15 AM => Men + Women's 5K Race
             10:00 AM => 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk
Where:  Meredith College, Raleigh
Join us for a good cause and a little morning exercise in the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation RACE FOR THE CURE. 
In order to involve as many people as possible, we'll plan to do the Fun Run/Walk as a group at 10:00 am but feel free to take part in the earlier 5k races. No RSVP needed: If you'd like to join us, meet at the Guard's Booth at the entrance to Meredith (Hillsborough Street) at 0930. 
You can register on-line (but must do so by June 6) by going to the link below.  If you register before May 29th, the cost is $20; May 29 - June 11 = $25, at the race = $30 (of course, all monies go to the cause anyway). Please consider soliciting pledges from friends, family, and co-workers.
If you can't take part in the race but would like to make a pledge, or just have questions, please contact Deb at [EMAIL PROTECTED].
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