Happy Chanukah everyone!

Please remember to rsvp for the Planning
Meeting/Chanukah Party, even if you don't need
directions, so that we have a headcount for food.

When:  Saturday, December 8, 2007
Time:  Planning Meeting at 6:00 PM / Chanukah Party at
7:00 PM
Where:  Deb T's House, N. Raleigh/Wake Forest (RSVP
for Directions)
RSVPs Required for Directions        
Celebrate Chanukah with TYJP. We'll light the Menorah,
sing songs, do a gift exchange (for those that want to
participate), play games, dance under the disco
lights, and eat throughout the evening (there'll be
plenty of latkes this year). There is sure to be an
ongoing game of Taboo somewhere in the house. We'll
also have a quick planning meeting right before we
kick things off (see below).                          
Don't celebrate this festive holiday alone - Celebrate
with your TYJP friends!  
Please bring:        
- a potluck dish 
- a gender neutral wrapped gift (costing ~$10) if you
plan to take part in the gift exchange 
- a swimsuit, if you plan to get in the hot tub 
- a menorah, if you want to light your own 
- yourself and your friends
- a celebration mood   
Please RSVP to Deb ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or Shira
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) by December 7 for directions. 
For more information, please contact either Deb or
Planning Meeting Information:
We will be holding the planning meeting at Deb's house
prior to the actual party; we will be planning events
for the January 1 through April 30, 2008, timeframe. 
We would greatly appreciate some new ideas and would
love to see some new volunteers to host events, so
please feel free to attend both the planning meeting
as well as the party.  If you have any ideas and/or
you want to volunteer to host an event, but cannot
attend the planning meeting, please send a note to
Shira ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) by December 7.  Also, if
you would like to help lead TYJP during the upcoming
year, please let us know.

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