Hi Pero,

Hi. Can someone tell me what min. permissions i have to set so that my BE
users can upload files to DAM. For now, my BE users have problems after
uploading file to DAM in the way that file is not indexed so it can't be
linked in RTE. This doesn't happen allways. What i did now is the stuff from

You have to give write and read access to the table "Media" and read access to the table "Media types". Also you have to allow some exclude fields for the media table (title, caption, deleted, timestamp, parent_id, ...).

but i don't want BE users to be able to access all files in Media Folder so
can I forbide that? Thx.

You can restrict the fileadmin mount points and hide the media folder for editors. So they can only upload and retrieve files from the assigned fileadmin folders.

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