Il 17/12/2010 16:27, Georg Ringer ha scritto:
Am 17.12.2010 16:16, schrieb Tonix (Antonio Nati):
Oh, really? I do not see anything forcing me to sell extensions that
way. The most you can pretend is I cannot load those extensions in TER.
it is the GPL license which forces you to put anything under GPL (or
compatible) license. Any extension which depends on the core *must* be
under GPL, there is *no* other way.

This is your idea of GPL.

I'm writing PHP libraries which are indipendent of typo3, and my extensions call both typo3 and indipendent libraries. So, extensions can be forced to be GPL, but my external libraries not, because they are called from extensions and do not rely at all on any TYPO3 feature and live outside typo3.

I can do whatever I want of these libraries, despite you GPL ideas.

I could not imagine how much people wants to limit freedom in name of GPL!

My thread stops here.



This still means that you can sell the extension, can keep it yourself
and so on.

If you sell/give away the extension to somebody else and you don't
provide it as GPL, you can be sued IANAL (!).

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