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as I did not receive a short summary of your lengthy post, I started
reading at least the first two paragraphs.

> It is the way some people from the T3 Top are treating those
> willing to help! Even they know that those people helped and help
> already many times for TYPO3. Ask them as they could help instead
> of blaming those who are willing to help.
Willing to help does not work. We need hands-on here.
You offered help 2 monts ago, but nothing happened. YOU (and this
really only means you, Andreas) are claiming so many things, someone
should have to do this and that (see just your TER thread in the
german list). This really pisses me off. That's why I tried to push
you into doing some work for TYPO3 (and not always just make you write
down, what you all tried to do). But again, it ends up with just an
extremely long email I have no interest to read in, but no work done.

If you want to really get sth. done and you get in touch with me/the
Server Team during the next 4 weeks, I will likely change my opinion
towards you. Otherwise you're really blacklisted in my mind and I will
never ever respond to any mails of yours.

Kind regards

- -- 
Steffen Gebert
TYPO3 v4 Core Team Member
TYPO3 Server Administration Team Member

TYPO3 .... inspiring people to share!
Get involved: http://typo3.org

I work for TYPO3 solely in my spare time. If you think that
my work helps you running your business, you are invited to
send me a donation via PayPal to this email address. Thanks

Am 7/15/12 9:44 PM, schrieb Andreas Becker:
> It is the way some people from the T3 Top are treating those
> willing to help! Even they know that those people helped and help
> already many times for TYPO3. Ask them as they could help instead
> of blaming those who are willing to help.
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