Hi Steffen

You did not here from me and this has a reason!

Yes I offered my help but I was like you say "pissed off" too by a response
getting from the TYPO3 Leadership.
I helped a lot in the past if you don't know this ask simply other people.

Well you feel soooo great there, than simply ask one of the 5000 Developers
who are using TYPO3, without having done anything, without even being in
any team for TYPO3.
I am happy with the mailing list to be honest and I have no need for a
forum. But I said I would help as we have interns and people who could help
like they did before in many other TYPO3 Jobs on TYPO3.org or for the 100%
Thai Translation - but the offer was just 2 days before the very unfriendly
response from TYPO3 "above". Why should we waste time and money and our
manpower to support those people who give a shit for us and only try to
promote themselves?

Where are all those "certified" TYPO3 Integrators? I can read always and
always again the same names - why? There are huge statistics on TYPO3.org -
but what is the reality? NOBODY beside the people always giving a helping
hand are helping.

So do what you want - blacklist people or what else - it is simply
"kindisch" and will keep even more people away from doing actively
supporting. Simply start getting the TYPO3 Management working for people
ALL AROUND the world and not only for German - inner European Interests and
you will have lots of support from ALL AROUND the world.

"Willing to help does not work. We need hands-on here." Exactly and this is
also exactly what we would need here too.

I totally agree and therefore I suggest asking i.e. Peter Proell and others
to do this job ;-) - and don't come along saying that they already do other
jobs. That is what I am doing here too.

"This really pisses me off." - I agree - me too.

Tell me one simple reason why it would be beneficial for us to get the
forum running under these circumstances? It would only be interesting for
those few people who don't like the mailinglist and always again call for a
forum on TYPO3.org, but NONE of them - even not steward and others - is in
a team or helping.

We for now do what has been suggested. "Simply stop!" - So ask those
"Stoppers" to help ;-)

Don't take me wrong. I appreciate that you do so much work for TYPO3 and I
appreciate that so many others since years do so much work for TYPO3. Like
I did too! Please continue doing it!
We stop and concentrate on our main business for now like many others do
already since years!

Sorry for that!

"Typo3 is free open source software but this means not it is free as free
beer! So simply start charging for it. Let people buy man/hours which get
waivered when they do community work.

What about another new sealbyou can put on your page showing the hours you
have been involved actively innCommunity work. This would say much more
than this piece of paper called Typo3 Integrator. At least a Typo3
Integrator Seal should contain the year they made the last certification or
renewal to show that they know also i.e how to get the new powermail up and
running again, to name only one example of changing technology.
There is No Need of a new Forum but it is an urgent need of Man Power. So
step in and help."

For sure the whole manpower which has already been put into the fudforum
will be "for the cat" soon. But this is nothing new or more than happened
to us when we were sitting from one day to the other for a mess in the
leadership and nothing goes on for years!. Go back to 2007/2008 than you
can see how many hours/days/nights not only I have spend in typo3.reorg!

So before blaming anybody here you should start getting those asking for
the forum setting it up - check who has started those threads and ask them!
- or ask those saying we should "simply stop" doing the job for free! They
are actually right as they do this already since years probably.

"claiming so many things, someone should have to do this"

Please ask those who started the threats! This was not me! When you have
them in the team helping and still need more help than get back to us and
we can consider again! OK!
Fakt is that you won't get them to help! You rely on always the same people
since years if you follow the history of TYPO3 and its own website! Why
don't you change this?

We are a pretty small company in comparison to those who have more than 10
- 40+ developers fully employed. Ask them! Start Charging for TYPO3 - Start
Charging in "Community Manpower/hours Credits" like i.e. a sailing or other
club. Or employ people full time, who should do this job!


On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 2:17 PM, Steffen Gebert <steffen.geb...@typo3.org>wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Andreas,
> as I did not receive a short summary of your lengthy post, I started
> reading at least the first two paragraphs.
> > It is the way some people from the T3 Top are treating those
> > willing to help! Even they know that those people helped and help
> > already many times for TYPO3. Ask them as they could help instead
> > of blaming those who are willing to help.
> Willing to help does not work. We need hands-on here.
> You offered help 2 monts ago, but nothing happened. YOU (and this
> really only means you, Andreas) are claiming so many things, someone
> should have to do this and that (see just your TER thread in the
> german list). This really pisses me off. That's why I tried to push
> you into doing some work for TYPO3 (and not always just make you write
> down, what you all tried to do). But again, it ends up with just an
> extremely long email I have no interest to read in, but no work done.
> If you want to really get sth. done and you get in touch with me/the
> Server Team during the next 4 weeks, I will likely change my opinion
> towards you. Otherwise you're really blacklisted in my mind and I will
> never ever respond to any mails of yours.
> Kind regards
> Steffen
> - --
> Steffen Gebert
> TYPO3 v4 Core Team Member
> TYPO3 Server Administration Team Member
> TYPO3 .... inspiring people to share!
> Get involved: http://typo3.org
> I work for TYPO3 solely in my spare time. If you think that
> my work helps you running your business, you are invited to
> send me a donation via PayPal to this email address. Thanks
> Am 7/15/12 9:44 PM, schrieb Andreas Becker:
> > It is the way some people from the T3 Top are treating those
> > willing to help! Even they know that those people helped and help
> > already many times for TYPO3. Ask them as they could help instead
> > of blaming those who are willing to help.
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