But on frontend I only can see: Oops, an error occurred!

I can Include my TS from this extension to the main TS template of the site, but the funny thing is: when I use the Template Analyzer, the TS of my extension is not listed.

This is the direction to search. As long as the TS is not loaded, you can't 
expect a FE rendering.

If the TS template is listed, the basic configuration in ext_tables.php (?) was 
But then it doesn't read the TS in the specified template file. Why?
Wrong pathes? Permissions (mod/owner)? Some other copy issiue?

* Certified TYPO3 Integrator:  https://www.xing.com/profile/Elmar_Hinz | 
* Stored Procedures form TypoScript: 
* Extension Upload from Command-Line: http://t3elmar.github.io/Ext/

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