Correction: it's not a core-bug, I also have the issue with other sites using older TYPO3-versions that did work before. In my case it appears to be an issue with my manually compiled PHP-versions (though I haven't found the reason yet, all works fine when connecting to


On 14-11-13 10:15, Loek Hilgersom wrote:
Hi Peter,

I just ran into this situation with a 6.2-dev installation. TYPO3 could not
connect to localhost, although username and password are correct. It did work
after changing to TCP/IP by connecting to instead.

Let me know if it works with, I think the cause is a bug somewhere in
the core.


On 14-11-13 09:17, Pero Peric wrote:
On 13.11.2013. 17:00, peter williams wrote:

I'm trying to install and try out typo3 on my local mac osx lion.
I've installed apache2, php and mysql (via mac ports). All seem to be
running as should.

I can connect to the mysql sever on the command line:

/opt/local/lib/mysql56/bin/mysql -u root -p
Enter password: Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 7
Server version: 5.6.13 Source distribution

Ive unpacked the typo3 installation and entered
into my browser which then opens up the install tool with
"Installing TYPO3 6.1"

I enter/select:

Driver: mysql
Username: root
Password: same as on the command one client above
Host: localhost

However I get the error message:

There is no connection to the database!
(Username: root, Host: localhost, Using Password: YES)
Go to Step 1 and enter a valid username and password!
Whats wrong?
Im sure the password is the same as that which worked on the command
line client.
Should I be entering something else for "Host".

Thanks very much in advance.

Is your localconf or whatever they use in 6.x version writable? Check what is
actually written there as DB parameters.

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