Oh, sorry, the example is still using some register here, should be this of 

        10  = CASE
        10 {
                //key.data = register:tt_news_type

                key.cObject = RECORDS
                key.cObject {
                        tables = tt_news
                        dontCheckPid = 1
                        source {
                                data = GP:tx_ttnews|tt_news
                                intval = 1
                        conf.tt_news = TEXT
                        conf.tt_news.field = type

                default = TEXT
                default.value = DEFAULT
                3 = TEXT
                3.value = THREE
                4 = TEXT
                4.value = FOUR

The commented line is what you could use if you've got the value stored already.

On 11-05-14 21:56, Loek Hilgersom wrote:
Hey Robert,

You'll need an extra query to achieve that, unless you'll be able to access the
data from the news records from some place where it's already been retrieved.
If that's done in TypoScript then you can store the values in a register to
avoid the extra query.

With the query it will be something like this:

     10 = CASE
     10 {
         //key.data = register:tt_news_type

         key.cObject = RECORDS
         key.cObject {
             tables = tt_news
             dontCheckPid = 1
             source.data = register:tt_news_uid
             conf.tt_news = TEXT
             conf.tt_news.field = type

         default = TEXT
         default.value = DEFAULT
         3 = TEXT
         3.value = THREE
         4 = TEXT
         4.value = FOUR

Is this what you're after?

Hth, and greetings!

On 11-05-14 14:19, Robert Wildling wrote:

I create several new content types (in tt_news at thte moment) via
ext_tables.php like this:

// add the new type
$TCA['tt_news']['columns']['type']['config']['items'][] = Array('New Page

Each of those page types needs a little bit of additional TypoScript for
selecting its own template file and activating some generic markers. The editors
shall have the possibiliy to just choose the page type, and everything should
work out-of-the-box (so no need to implement an additional TypoScript file

Is there a way to activate the specific TypoScript according to tt_news type?
Something like
[globalVar = GP:tt_news|type=4]

"Type" is neither a get nor post var... any other way to implement that

Thanks for your tipps!
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