Dear all,

I've observed some -- at least: to me -- quite puzzling behavior in my Typo3 7.6 installation. Consider the following TypoScript:

lib.textWithContent = TEXT
lib.textWithContent.value = foo

lib.textWithoutContent = TEXT
lib.textWithoutContent.value =

lib.coaWithContent = COA_INT
lib.coaWithContent {
  10 = TEXT
  10.value = foo

lib.coaWithoutContent = COA_INT
lib.coaWithoutContent {
  10 = TEXT
  10.value =

page.10 = TEXT
page.10 {
  value = This should be visible (TEXT)...
  if.isTrue.cObject < lib.textWithContent

page.20 = TEXT
page.20 {
  value = This should be invisible (TEXT)...
  if.isTrue.cObject < lib.textWithoutContent

page.30 = TEXT
page.30 {
  value = This should be visible (COA)...
  if.isTrue.cObject < lib.coaWithContent

page.40 = TEXT
page.40 {
  value = This should be invisible (COA)...
  if.isTrue.cObject < lib.coaWithoutContent

I'd expect entries 20 and 40 of the page array to not show up in the rendered page, but alas! here's what I get:

This should be visible (TEXT)...This should be visible (COA)...This should be invisible (COA)...

Obviously, the empty COA object at lib.coaWithoutContent is considered being not-empty in page.40.if.isTrue.cObject < lib.coaWithoutContent.

Any explanation?

Cheers --

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