Dear Scott,

In message <> you wrote:
> >>> + if (page < 2 && (onenand_readw(ONENAND_SPARERAM) != 0xffff))
> >>> +         return 1;
> >> Unnecessary parens.
> > 
> > Where? I find them pretty useful.
> Around the second comparison.  Why "if (a < b && (c != d))" and not "if 
> (a < b && c != d)", or if the parens are preferred, "if ((a < b) && (c 
> != d))"?  Is it because "c" is a function call?

Actually I'd probably write this as

        if ((page < 2) && (onenand_readw(ONENAND_SPARERAM) != 0xffff))

for consistency, but being lazy I guess I might use the same code as
the OP.

> OK -- I guess this is another of the unwritten points on which U-boot's 
> style deviates from that which is typical in Linux.

Actually this is not some formal style (at least no rule that I know
of), but personal taste :-)

When I parse something like

        if (page < 2 && onenand_readw(ONENAND_SPARERAM) != 0xffff)

I can eaisly see the "page < 2" expression because it  is  relatively
short. But I have to look twice for the "onenand_readw(ONENAND_SPARE-
RAM)  !=  0xffff" part because it is long and includes nested parens.
So I feel tempted to make this easier to read by surrounding it  with
parens - like the OP did.

Best regards,

Wolfgang Denk

DENX Software Engineering GmbH,     MD: Wolfgang Denk & Detlev Zundel
HRB 165235 Munich, Office: Kirchenstr.5, D-82194 Groebenzell, Germany
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