On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 2:02 AM, <ying.zh...@freescale.com> wrote:

> From: Ying Zhang <b40...@freescale.com>
> Add the symbol CONFIG_SPL_BUILD_MINIMAL for the minimal SPL. It used to
> eliminate code unused in the minimal SPL but used in the SPL.
> This patch is on top of the following patch:
> 1. common/Makefile: Add new symbol CONFIG_SPL_ENV_SUPPORT for
> environment in SPL.
> 2. powerpc/mpc85xx: support application without resetvec segment in the
> linker script.
> Signed-off-by: Ying Zhang <b40...@freescale.com>

I'm a bit confused by this patch. As far as I can tell, despite the
description, what this patch *actually* does is make CONFIG_SPL_BUILD take
up more space, while CONFIG_SPL_BUILD_MINIMAL will take up the same space
as CONFIG_SPL_BUILD used to.

It's important to make sure the commit message describes the purpose of the
patch, and that the patch actually does what it says...

If the goal was to make CONFIG_SPL_BUILD contain more functionality, then
say that in the commit message. If not, then please point out the error in
my understanding of the patch.

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