On Wed, Aug 03, 2022 at 11:04:45AM +0100, Martin Bonner wrote:

> I and my colleagues have a number of patches we would like to
> contribute back to the community, however for various reasons
> (principally operating inside corporate firewalls), it isn't possible
> to use `git send-email`, and I haven't been able to create a plain
> text email which is acceptable to `git am`.
> Is it possible to fork u-boot on Git[HL][au]b or similar hosting site,
> and then send an email to the list pointing at the commit?

Sorry for the delay. If you really cannot configure git send-email
(which is pretty flexible these days) to talk with your corporate mail
server, and IT policy has access to external email providers also
blocked, that's just a tricky spot. I don't want to promote further
centralization of software by telling users to start using github or
gitlab directly, and I'm not sure we can sustain the overhead of
allowing users to have access to a "contrib" repository. So, as long as
it's not against corporate policy (as that would in turn violate the
rules behind a Signed-off-by tag), taking the patches out of the
corporate environment and to a personal machine where in turn you can
configure git send-email and gmail (or what have you) is the best
general answer.


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