I doubt that SB would "extract" the data, so much as perform it's processing within 
the same CPU matrix - I imagine mvQ does need to go through a physical extraction 

Others have noted problems as well --> not sure what is used for connection mechanism, 
but have seen various reports of virtually every connection mechanism that the "pipe 
fails under load of big files" .... perhaps the 'fault' lies with IBM if they are 
using UniObjects or similar.

Ross Ferris
Stamina Software
Visage  an Evolution in Software Development

>-----Original Message-----
>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:owner-u2-
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dave S
>Sent: Thursday, 3 June 2004 12:53 PM
>Subject: RE: [U2] Mvquery Users
>The amount of data being extracted is large.
>However when use a query in System Builder that extracts the same data, it
>runs much
>faster and completes without a problem.
>Ross Ferris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Not first hand experience with mvQuery, but my guess is that it MAY be
>similar to what happens with us with our Visage.BIT product when we "play"
>with large data files to generate a cube ..... CPU hit's 100% and stays
>there till the job is done!
>If you are churning out a report that is a few thousand pages (?) then that
>is going to take time (and memory) - and CPU intensive task may well show
>as "not responding"
>Of course, I could be way off .... how BIG is this file you are dealing
>with ? and what is the expected size of your output (pages) ?
>Ross Ferris
>Stamina Software
>Visage - an Evolution in Software Development
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:owner-u2-
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dave S
>>Sent: Thursday, 3 June 2004 8:23 AM
>>Subject: [U2] Mvquery Users
>>I would like to know if there are any mvquery users sharing the same
>>concerns that we have.
>>When we run a query on a large data file the task manager on my Windows
>>2000 Professional Desktop indicates that mvquery is not responding.
>>Mvquery seems to be the only application that I run that this happens to,
>>why is that ?
>>In fact, if the task manager indicated that Microsoft Outlook was not
>>responding, I would
>>normally kill the process.
>>Sometimes the mvquery process completes, more often than that we end up
>>killing it.
>>But the process has been running for several minutes now and I am probably
>>going to kill the process.
>>Does anyone have an idea what the problem is ?
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