When you convert a hashed file into an SQL table, as well as creating entries in 
UV_TABLES, UV_COLUMNS, UV_ASSOC system tables and the file's security and integrity 
constraints area (SICA), you also create an implicit grant of all privileges to 
public.  Once you apply any explicit grant, the implicit one is removed.
So, no, you're not doing anything wrong and, yes, you will need to grant whatever 
table privileges other, non-SQL users, require.

The nice thing is, you can now grant SELECT and UPDATE privilege to specific columns 
on a per-user basis, so you have much finer granularity in your security model.

There is one possible loophole.  The OPENCHK tunable parameter allows BASIC programs 
to bypass SQL integrity checking; it may (I've never tried it) also allow BASIC 
programs to bypass SQL security checking.
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