The reason that ...AAA... gave a problem is that "A" is one of the characters that 
have special meaning in pattern matching (the other two being "N" and "X").
Patterns to be used with LIKE or UNLIKE or their synonyms are made up of combinations 
of the following components:
   nA   exactly n alphabetic characters
   0A   any number (including zero) of alphabetic characters
   nN   exactly n numeric characters
   0N   any number (including zero) of numeric characters
   nX   exactly n characters of any type
   0X   any number of characters of any type
 'text' literal text

Because "A" is special, your "AAA" example would need to be explicitly quoted as 
literal text.
   field LIKE "...'AAA'..."     
   field LIKE "0X'AAA'0X"      (... is the same as 0X)

If you'd gone with "BBB" as your example, you could get away without the single quotes 
(though to include them would be more pedantically correct).

A leading tilde (~) reverses the sense of the pattern match.
field LIKE "~3N" is satisfied if either:
   field contains any number of characters than three
   field contains three characters but they aren't all numeric
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