here is the uparrow mode for the field in question:
----: 25
0025: 0.000225
----: ^
Up-arrow display mode        = enabled
0025: 0.000225
There is nothing unusual as far as I can see. Field 5 of the dict record for 
BALANCE has 19R and field 3 is blank.

Martin Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Can't remember whether I said this yesterday but EVAL takes on the
properties of the first field referenced in the expression. Hence, if
BALANCE is defined as having an MD2 conversion, so will EVAL "ABS(BALANCE)"

It is interesting that the value for BALANCE shown in the original email has
more decimal places than any other field. My money is on the data stored in
the record having a non-printing character in it. The conversion then fails,
returning the original data.

I have deleted all the old messages from this thread so I cannot remember
who originally posted it. Can you try going into ED for the relevant
record, type ^ to switch into "up arrow mode" so that non-printing
characters are displayed, and then look at the data.

Martin Phillips
Ladybridge Systems
17b Coldstream Lane, Hardingstone, Northampton NN4 6DB
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