You keep implying that multiplexing is not allowed, and will "VOID"
you're agreement, etc. but the passages you quote don't say that. They
state the license count must account for the users coming in via the
multiplexing connection as well. That's completely different in my book.
Basically if you're supporting 10 quasi-concurrent users via a web
server for example, you need to have 10 license slots available (unused
otherwise for what we generally consider to be users). 

If "All of the products mentioned here except RedBack will VOID your IBM
concurrent user license requirement" were true the passage below would
read more like multiplexing software isn't allowed. Not that "
will be required to purchase the number of licenses..."

Maybe I missed it in my skimming through some of the posts, but was
anyone talking about ways to get around licensing requirements via

> They U2 OEM Handbook it states:
> "Customers are required to purchase a number of
> licenses equal to the
> maximum number of concurrent solution users.
> For example, if either third party or in-house
> transaction-based
> multiplexing software (e.g. Transaction Processing
> (TP) Monitor, Web
> servers, etc.) or hardware, other than RedBack, is
> used in conjunction with
> U2, you will be required to purchase the number of
> licenses equal to the
> actual number of licenses you have used without
> multiplexing software."
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