> Dimensioned vs Dynamic--brain damaged code is still brain damaged code.

I could not agree more!

> the music majors passing themselves off as Pick programmers

For the record I almost failed music history :)

For those keeping track of suggestions for IBM here is one that would help
bridge this divide.  

Allow re-dimensioning of dimensioned arrays at runtime.  In VB you have
the REDIM command and in C you can "re-dimension" damn near anything.
Having this capability would provide the best of both worlds.  

Rich Taylor | Senior Programmer/Analyst| VERTIS
250 W. Pratt Street | Baltimore, MD 21201
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"The more they complicate the plumbing
  the easier it is to stop up the drain"
- Montgomery Scott NCC-1701
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2005 3:00 AM
To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
Subject: Re: [U2] I'm in an Array quandry, any suggestions...

I think one of the the things that we are overlooking is the underlying 
philosophy that machine cycles are cheap, and anything that cuts 
development or modification time is a Good Thing. You and I may not 
agree with that philosophy (having been victimized by code that took 
the idea to it's illogical conclusion), but keeping track of how many 
elements you need in a dimensioned array is one of the icky programmer 
type things that, historically, the music majors passing themselves off 
as Pick programmers were loath to do.

But in the Real World, these kind of things usually (note the 
disclaimer) do not make much difference. I always enjoyed blowing 
someone's benchmark out of the water by sticking a single READ 
statement in the middle of their CPU intensive loop.

It's all about the disk, mon.




On May 17, 2005, at 10:18 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> And then by that time, system programmers would be saying "Why can't 
> they
> just all use dimensioned arrays dammit" :) I suppose.
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