Will Johnson wrote on Tue, 19 Jul 2005 01:55:51 EDT

> Remove does not confuse me.  Remove unnecessarily confuses other
> people. ...
> READNEXT works just find for processing a multi-item list just as
> REMOVE does and it's much more widely used and understood.
> So I see no point to the Remove command at all.

The important difference between using READNEXT and REMOVE is that READNEXT
will return the entire next item, while REMOVE only returns up to the next
system delimiter.  If you have value marks or sub-value marks in your
attributes, REMOVE will break them up into their individual components,
whereas READNEXT will not.

To my mind, the READNEXT structure is more straightfoward if you need to
process each attribute separately.  The REMOVE command requires setting a
variable, which usually should be checked to ensure that the correct
delimiter was encountered.  It is useful when you need to process each
individual value separately.

As is often the case, we have a variety of specialized tools, and we need
to use the appropriate tool for each task.  For example, one could use a
torque wrench to tighten every single nut and bolt in the world, but for
most applications, this isn't necessary, and in some cases, is more
difficult to use.

REMOVE has its uses (there is a point to it), but the original post (if
anyone recalls that! :->) was concerned with using DCOUNT followed by a FOR
loop, and I believe the LOOP WHILE READNEXT ITEM FROM ITEM.LIST syntax is a
more straightforward alternative than the REMOVE syntax.

--Tom Pellitieri
  Toledo, Ohio
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