There is a very good use for REMOVE. Consider a cross-reference item  
(inherited, not built by current programmer) which has many thousands of keys  
IDs. You could select the IDs and READNEXT or REMOVE to process. Either is  far 
faster than FOR/NEXT and extract. I've seen a 40 minute process reduced to 6  
seconds (thanks Louis Nardozi) by changing to this method. To everything there 
 is a season, and to each instruction there is a task.
Charlie Noah
Inland Truck Parts

Then you  are mistaken.
Remove does not confuse me.  Remove unnecessarily  confuses other people.
Why use a structure when another one, less  confusing, more known, more used 
is readily available?  And I think  you missed my point, even if it did 
me, the main thrust is to  write code that is easily maintained by others, 
by yourself.  So  whether or not it confused me should not be one of the 
criteria  imho.

READNEXT works just find for processing a multi-item list just as  REMOVE 
and it's much more widely used and understood.
So I see no point to the Remove command at all.  If you imagined that I  
have not opened a manual in 25 years, you are mistaken.  I routinely  review 
manuals for training other programmers. Not just Universe manuals,  but other 
manuals as well.  And I have used Remove on occasion,  but was never very 
satisfied with it.

Will  Johnson
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