Up here, in the Great White North, we have to watch the regional
settings. Sometimes using a different date format causes problems -
whether it's the order or the delimiter.

It seems to be a problem with your dates - so this is where I would

Colin Alfke
Calgary, AB
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Lettau, Jeff
>We moved our SQL2000 database to a windows2003 server.  Now 
>when I try to do a query against my Unidata database it fails 
>to return any rows.
>But only on this query.
>from DailySales WHERE Inv_So_Date >= "06-27-05" AND 
>Inv_So_Date <= "09-25-05"; If I take the date selection out of 
>my query, it runs fine.  I get about
>2 million rows and it takes 20 minutes but it runs.
>I won't say all the queries work, but I can say that most do 
>work without issues.  Including the Linked server to Unidata 
>works.  But just not this oledb connection with parameters in 
>a DTS package.  Is there some trick to get this to work.
>Jeffrey Lettau
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