Every party needs a pooper that's why we invited you....

         **!!JUST KIDDING!!**

I too make my living being an independent, and while I may give away small
snippets of code from time to time, I draw the line there.

If I see a .edu at the end of the sender's email address I will usually
divulge more than normal.

Live long and prosper Tony!!



-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Tony Gravagno
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2005 13:09
To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
Subject: [U2] RE: free info - was XML and Accuterm

Will wrote:
> Tony writes:
>> have the  client shell out, execute the
>> function, return data to a local file,
> Do you have an example of how to execute a request like
> that  in  Windows or Unix and return the result to a
> local file?
> Thanks

Sorry Will.  This is my business.  I take the time to research how to use
technologies and I sell that information and related services to my clients
who don't have the time to do that research on their own.  I stop short of
providing detailed code sequences especially when there are (in this case)
examples provided with AccuTerm itself and in their web forum.  For the XML
request and parsing, I wrote a free series of articles on this topic in
Spectrum magazine that spanned four issues and included links to a
multitude of sites for information, freeware, and products.  The world is
full of examples like this and I don't think it's fair to put the burden on
people in this forum to produce data that's easily available elsewhere.

I'll also note that Rob Wills just went to the Accuterm web site and got
info that anyone could get, and generously volunteered to come up with more
info from research tomorrow.  That's very helpful and I'd usually do the
same myself, but in this case Rob is volunteering to do research simply
because Will doesn't feel like doing it.  That is so wrong.

I'm only going off on this because this request for "examples" reminds me
of the "how do I connect to the web" thread that went on for weeks with
detailed solutions - simply because a couple people wanted the information
spoon fed to them without doing their homework outside of this U2-specific
forum.  C'mon, you don't want "examples", you want copy/paste code for your
specific project and the questions will keep coming until every aspect of
the project is complete.

I know this is harsh.  But every time I post a note like this somewhere I
get flamed by some people for being a grouch and I get emails of praise
from others for drawing the line somewhere - I'll take the risk.  I'm
sorry, I'll provide as much free info as I can to benefit as many people as
possible, and I've been doing so in MV forums like this for over 10 years.
But when the questions get this specific I have to ask people to do their
own homework.  There are those of us who work hard and study hard so that
we can sell our knowledge as a product and thus pay our bills.  There is
value to what we do, as is evident by the fact that people are going to
take info they find here and sell it to someone else as their own know-how.

There's no accident to my calling my company "Research and Development".
We'll do the research and/or we'll do the development - we consider both of
these as equally valuable offerings in this market where many people need
as much information as they need assistance with development using modern

Tony Gravagno
Nebula Research and Development
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