If your records have value marks or sub-value marks in the ID's you may not
be able to look at them with the editor (AE).

If you can select the records, try reading them in a basic program - if you
can read them then you probably can delete them in the program too.

One last thought, before I go, if you cannot access those records and don't
need them, how about creating a temporary file, selecting the good records
and copying them to the temporary file, now clear the file and copy the
records from the temporary file back into the good file.

Note, I can remember a software problem back in the 1980's where some
records would be written to a file with a value mark in the ID's.  Seems to
me I was able to remove them but can't remember if I was able to use a basic
program or if I had to remove them from the frames using the system
debugger.  The customer would have been running the old PICK O/S on ADDS,
Microdata, Genecom, or one of the other systems DataWorks used to sell - in
those days you had 'easy' access to the data stored in the frames... I sure
fixed a lot of GFE's.

Have a Great Day!

> Paul Trebbien
> Kore Technologies, Senior Support Tech. 
> "Solutions that work. People who care."
> V 858.678.0030 F 858.300.2600 W koretech.com

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Keith W. Roberts
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 2:08 PM
To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
Cc: 'Bjorn Behr'
Subject: RE: [U2] UV Funny

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
> Raymond DeGennaro II
> Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 9:41 AM
> To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
> Cc: Bjorn Behr
> Subject: Re: [U2] UV Funny
> At 16:40 +0200 2005/09/15, Bjorn Behr wrote:
> >System: Windows 2003 Server
> >UniVerse: 10.1.3
> >
> [snip]
> Another Win-U2 oddities, ED/AE won't complain if you create a record 
> with '*' or any other illegal DOS filename characters, but if it's in 
> a Type 1, 19 or DIR type file, you'll never be able to access the 
> record again.
> Ray

Well, if they were written, then they must be accessible by *some* name, I
would think.  I've had success accessing garbled IDs by doing a wildcard
SELECT which includes them, then ED FILENAME, then when you get to it SAVE

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