When you say "pre-compiler" ... tell me ... <drooling>  ... have you written
something that combs through BASIC code to highlight platform specific
syntactical differences?

My fantasy is to build an engine and then to build a small database of the
commands (strings) as key that don't work or don't work the same on all
platforms ... so that I can add to the database over time as I convert to
new platforms or new features are added etc.

Have you headed down that sort of road?


- -----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brian Leach
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2005 8:18 AM
Subject: RE: [U2] Good Programming Practice Question.........


You make a good point, but the problem with that approach is that it stifles
innovation and learning - though not in your case, of course :-) 

I have known programmers who took a 'lowest common demoninator' approach
that was based on systems that were obsolete 20+ years ago, ignoring useful
constructs because possibly they weren't supported on McDonnell Douglas
Reality kit back when they were learning  - or more likely, because their
first manager told them not to use them because (s)he had heard they weren't
supported 10 years earlier still.

We accuse IBM of not doing enough in R&D, and then refuse to use the tools
they do provide for lack of compatibility (just how many UV houses out there
actually USE the SQL or transactional functionality?)

I would rather say, be aware of the differences and isolate them ...

(In my case, I code in UniVerse as the widest feature set and use a
precompiler to handle the differences)

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