I was converting a few programs from D3 to UD and noticed the following:

001 InValue = "Test"
002 CALL BILL.SUBR (InValue, InValue)
003 END

001 SUBROUTINE BILL.SUBR (RtnValue, InValue)
002 CRT "InValue before-: " : InValue
003 RtnValue = ''
004 CRT "InValue after--: " : InValue
006 END

The value of "InValue", in the subroutine, is changed when the variable
"RtnValue" is assigned a value.

InValue before-: Test
InValue after--:

This seems to indicate that there's a relationship between the variable
InValue in the calling program and the subroutine; in the subroutine when
RtnValue is initialized the variable InValue is also initialized.  I'd have
thought it's the positions that are important (since there must be the
number of arguments must equal in both the calling and the called programs),
not necessarily the variable names.

Have I figured this out right, and is this correct?  As I remember, the
passed arguements in subroutines:

1) don't have to be the same name, and
2) are managed solely within the subroutine.

Per the UniData documentation:


SUBROUTINE sub.name[(argument1 [, argument2] ...)]

If you pass arguments, the number of arguments in the CALL statement and the
SUBROUTINE statement must match, although variable names do not need to be
the same. Changes made to arguments in the subroutine retain their new
values when UniData exits the subroutine and control reverts to the calling

Naturally, I resolve the program by changing the code to pass different
variables, as arguments, to the called subroutine.  :-)

Bill Haskett
Advantos Systems, Inc.
(760)944-5570 (CA)
(360)923-4838 (WA)
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