Hi Tony,

Thanks for your comments.

This is not a "completely unique solution" -- it's actually the way most of
the other mailing lists that I've been on are run (and I'm currently on over
a dozen), and it's the practice recommended by the author of Majordomo.  I
ignored his advice when I initially setup the lists, because I thought it
would be "easier" for the users to simply click reply.

I don't know of too many mail readers that filter or thread based on the
Reply-to address.  The sender, from and to addresses and subject lines,
which is what the vast majority of filtering and threading is based on,
haven't changed at all.

Yes, you have a valid point about subscribers accidentally responding
off-list, and I was concerned about that.  But, I figure we're all
intelligent professionals who are capable of managing change.  To reiterate:

* If you want to respond to the list, click "REPLY TO ALL"
* If you want to respond off-list, click "REPLY"

If you click reply to all, you can still edit the "to:" field and remove the
extra email address so the response goes only to the list, and not to both
the list and the originator.


Larry Hiscock

P.S.  I'll change it back if I can forward all the administrivia messages to
YOUR email, and you agree to manage all the bounces, mail delivery &
forwarding errors, etc.   ;-)

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tony Gravagno
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2006 2:03 PM
To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
Subject: RE: [U2] Changes to mail list configurations

This is breaking all kinds of things including filters, remailers, and
maybe threading for some reader programs.  It's going to create confusion
when people mail to one another off-list.  And for anyone who isn't
familiar with this completely unique solution people are going to think
they're responding to a list when they're responding to some person - and
we might start seeing ongoing inquiries about "hey, where did my response
go?"  Sorry folks but I don't believe this is a good long-term solution.  I
think we should go back to the way it was until a more standard solution
can be found.


Larry Hiscock wrote:
> We have made some changes to the mailing list configuration files in
> an attempt to reduce some of the problems we have been experiencing
> these past few days.
> What does this mean to you?  It means this:
> * If you click 'reply' to respond to a list message, your response
> will go ONLY to the original sender of the message.
> * If you click 'reply to ALL', your reply will go to BOTH the original
> sender AND back to the list.
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