Can someone familiar with bci assist me with one of the functions.

I'm running bci from w2k UV 10.1.10.

I'm trying to get a varchar output parameter from a sql server stored
procedure.  I made sure the sproc worked in sql analyzer before
attempting to use bci.

In UV I can execute the sproc just fine, but I can't seem to get the
output returned.

I'm using SQLBindParameter to get the output from my sproc.  I execute
immediately after SqlExecute.

I don't seem to be getting any output back from SQLBindParameter.  No
error is generated and the return status is 0.  In which argument is my
output supposed to be in ?

Any hints would be greatly appreciated.



Rudy Cooper
Information Technology
Project Technical Lead

Sage Publications
2455 Teller Road
Thousand Oaks, California 91320

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