I ought to know. I've been guilty of it enough times.

First, this is not a direct reply to the poster of this quote. I merely chose this out of several that had this, "If you weren't so stupid you would..." tone to them.

That being said, I'm going to jump in and defend those experienced, professional, over-worked, computer professionals who bother to participate in a list like this while they have bosses, users, and customers screaming at them that, "THE WORLD IS COMING TO AN END! What? Oh. No. I didn't select a printer. Never mind."

It is not about physical effort. It is not about intelligence. It is about usability. And frankly, I am appalled at the number of posts I see from "so called computer professionals" professing that "you, moron, ought to be smart enough to click the correct button, idiot."

I really pity the users who are victimized by your attitudes.

When I hosted the lists, the majority of the misdirected, posted from the wrong address, etc., posts were from .EDU domains. Even I, big mouth that I am, didn't leap to the claim that .EDU was a sub- standard domain space. <sheesh!>

If a number of people have a problem with usability, it is a problem with usability. Period. It is not about the intelligence of the users, regardless of their job function. It is not about the intelligence of the list moderator(s). It is not about the intelligence of the list host, who DOES THIS FOR FREE. (Always a hot button of mine.)

I happen to disagree with the current list configuration. And it has been taken up with the Board of U2UG. But to castigate people is simply, "Bad form, eh? Bad form."

And the next time someone insults me indirectly about my inability to click the right button on an e-mail reply, I'll check the timestamp to see if they are posting from work, with enough time on their hands to dick around with list mail, or if they are spending their time at night doing it because they really care.




W. Clifton Oliver, CCP
Tel: +1 619 460 5678    Web: www.oliver.com

On Apr 12, 2006, at 8:51 AM,  wrote:

I find it amusing that a news list will starve because a bunch of
computer proffesionals can't change behavior and move the mouse 1 inch
to the right to do a 'reply to all'
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