We had an issue with this on UV 8 on HP UX 9 a couple of years back...

Then, after an upgrade to UV 9 on the HP UX box, we didn't have the
problem, and after that we have successfully done a migration from the UV
9/HP UX to UV10 on Win2k using exactly this method - took me just a weekend
to transfer the UV data (a total of 43G 2 years ago) and make the new
server live.  Users only noticed that their reports ran quicker on the
Monday morning;-)

I'm not sure about UV's reaction on Solaris though.


Arnold Bosch

             [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             
             Sent by:                                                   To 
             [EMAIL PROTECTED]         <u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org>      
             stserver.u2ug.org                                          cc 
             10/07/2006 14:13          [U2] Changing server IP address     
             Please respond to                                             
             [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             

We are currently upgrading to a new solaris server.  The plan was to go
live with the new server this week.  In order to minimise disruption, we
had planned to modify the IP address and hostname of the new server to
match the current production server (as well as changing the IP address
and hostname of the current production server to avoid a clash).  This
would have meant that no client terminal emulator settings would need

Will this be possible or will the UniVerse software complain because it
thinks it has been copied to a different server?  Are we better off
configuring the client PCs?


Rob Wills
(rob dot wills at tigerinfotech dot com)
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