Being from the other side of the world, I didn't know him, except via
this newfangled cyber-community.  Whenever I saw that he posted, I knew
it'd be worth reading. I see from our archives that he posted here about
200 times in the past three years.  Google says another 130 to CDP.  A

If the moderator will graciously allow just one Monty Python reference,
I always hoped there'd be a thread between him and one or more other
"Bruce"s.  Even if they weren't all Aussies, Mr. Nichol would have given
the exchange authenticity.  I don't recall it ever happened.

Thank-you, Ross Ferris, for informing us.  Perhaps you could give this
list's rememberances and sympathies to his family.  If his family is
like most of ours, they proably have little appreciation of the
"computer stuff" he did or his significance here.
My sympathies to those of you who were his friends.

Chuck Stevenson
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