Are you running UV 10.2 on NT?

By any chance, is this the error you see after OFF?:

UniVerse error: Wait for server threads failed.. Win32 error: 6. The handle
is invalid..

I have wondered what this was.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mike Dallaire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mar 30, 2007 10:54 AM
Subject: [U2] UV 10.2 issues

A while back I mentioned some problems we had found with UV 10.2 (see
below).  According to IBM, 2 of these issues have been resolved and will be
included in the next release of UV.  Which, to my understanding, will be

It has come to light that there was a problem introduced in UniVerse

10.2 where if the "QUIT" or "OFF" verbs were being used, an application
Error evernt was created and group locks were being left active.  Do you
recall if your customer appeared to be experiencing active group locks?

IBM is shooting for a tentative fix date sometime this month for this issue.
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