>> From: Tony Gravagno
>> I am working with Cachi and InterSystems on an almost daily basis

Thank you to the kind folk who have commented on the letter "i".  When this
note left my PC it had the 'e' properly accented in all cases, and it still
does in my Sent bin.  Apparently the forum converts the accented e to an i.
If you're interested, please ask the forum moderators to do something about

george r smith wrote:
> Don't you think you should preface all your posts with "I am trolling
> for customers".
> Now after a month you are now the go to guy for Cache (Notice the
> spelling), right.

George, there are two kinds of people here.  End-users who write their own
code, and people like me who sell products and services to others who
prefer to buy rather than make.  No, I don't think I or anyone else in my
middle-market position should preface all comments, especially when I'm
volunteering information.  Many of us in this middle market provide
information on a pro bono basis, and as long as I don't get hassled for my
trouble, I usually enjoy doing so.

Regarding this Cache thing (I dare not attempt a grave accent on that "e"),
yes, I do see potential for new business from companies that take a serious
look at it and I won't have a problem selling information or services when
it seems appropriate.  If someone asks me questions I'll provide many
answers and commentary as I've done for at least the last 14 years as a
community service.  If someone asks for more serious time then I'll suggest
a business agreement.  Unless I let people know that I'm available for such
free or for-fee inquiries, how does anyone know who knows what in this
market?  It's not unfair for me to request compensation to pay my bills
when you're getting information you need to pay yours.  (Really, why is
such a fundamental discussion even necessary?)

If you'd like to take your questions to someone else, you're quite welcome.
At this point, you can probably count on one hand the number of people in
the MV market who have practical experience with this environment, and I
wonder if any of them are inclined to simply donate their time and
expertise.  Until our market is saturated with free expertise, yes, I'll be
happy to be a "go to guy" for Cache'.

TG@ remove.this.anti.spam.textNebula-RnD.com
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