Brian -- Good work with everything you have done.  I love the new web
site with UniVerse backing it -- super!  (when will it be the one we
get to at

I like your various utilities.  I couldn't find the demo database in
my first pass of late at your web site, but will return again later as
there was more to see.

I have no doubt that you will do good work with the incubator too,
but, again, it might be an opportunity for the board to get a clear
understanding from IBM as to their target audience and with what type
of prospective customer they will be activitly engaged in helping to
close the deal.  Are 30, 60, or 90% of their marketing efforts towards
existing VARs and their prospects? What % of IBM's database marketing
dollars and what % of the U2 marketing dollars are targeted to getting
new VARs who have never used a Pick product before?  What percentage
to trying to woo non-U2, but currently multivalue VARs or application

If you get people some portion of the way there, is IBM planning to
allocate any dollars to taking those that the U2UG and the incubator
project bring in and try to convert them to customers?  In spite of
not choosing it for my current project, I still hope you are able to
be very successful, which is why I am jumping in with this concern.
I'm not sure that even if it were an "if we build it, they will come"
situation, that the next piece is in place. Having the ability to do
what you are planning might give you some leverage with IBM to get
some more commitment from them to possibly widen their scope. It might
even be helpful to the U2 team if the U2UG asks IBM some questions
along these lines.  Best wishes.  --dawn


Thanks! That's just the kind of thing we're looking for.

We're not settled on the file system yet, BUT..

My first document - an intro to creating your first application - uses the 
Wychbooks demonstration database that I've also used for some of the knowledge 
base articles, and from my point of view it would make sense to carry on with 
that until someone comes up with something better.

I've also done a UniVerse import of the database - a CD listing with 
about 3 million titles, used by WinAmp and other open source media players. It 
turns into a nice mv database (each CD has multivalued tracks with translates 
to artists, genres etc) so that might also be worth plundering..

You can download a copy of the wychbooks demo from my website 
( if you want to take a quick look in the meantime.

Best Regards


Charles (looking for some help) Barouch:

I have some fairly self contained routines for both Sockets interface and
for file Triggers that I would be willing to customize for use with what
ever file structure the U2UG learner pack has designed.  I think these are
two of the really great features of U2.

Tom Dodds

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charles Barouch
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 4:25 PM
Subject: Re: [U2] Incubator - News from the board

  Let me respond to some of these... but first:

MOST IMPORTANT! We need content for the learner packs! Please contact
U2UG President Brian Leach with specific offers to help. We need code
examples, well reasoned tutorials, and more. These packs are a big part
of making the incubator work.

  I am currently writing an MV book and editing another. The first will
be distributed free as a PDF and the second will be a college text book.
We already have one College committed to using it bt I can't say more at
this time.

Rob, Dave & Jerry,
   VMware was my original proposal and IBM legal found that
problematic.It may be possible in the future but we won't hold this up
waiting for it.

  The hot links included in the incubator will point to a lot of U2UG
content so that we can keep things dynamic and current.


   Charles Barouch ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (718) 762-3884 x 1
   P. O. Box 540957, Queens, NY 11354
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Dawn M. Wolthuis
Tincat Group, Inc.

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