I have used this before.  I recall it working
well.  Converts UniData files to UniVerse on the spot!
Sorry was little slow in response.  Still catching up from vacation...

Here is a portion from the documentation...

UniVerse 9.4.1 introduces a utility called
udtconv to ease the task of migrating from
UniData to UniVerse. This utility creates a
UniVerse file from a UniData static or
dynamic hashed file, using the same name and file
parameters as the UniData file
being converted.
udtconv does not convert UniData directory files or multiple data files. It
convert the individual data files of the multiple
data file structure. This utility does
not run on UniData dynamic files that contain part files.
Note: udtconv has been tested against files created at UniData Release 4.0.
The udtconv Command
You can use the udtconv command from a UNIX or MS-DOS prompt, or you can
use the UDTCONV command from the UniVerse prompt. Both commands require
that UniVerse be running. udtconv must be run in a directory that is a valid
UniVerse account.
 From the operating system, the syntax is:
udtconv f filename format format [save] [udt] [uv]
filename Specifies a file.
format Specifies the byte format of the UniData file being processed. The
valid formats are:
1  UNIX (Motorola 68000 format)
2  XINU (Intel x86 format)
3  NUXI (VAX format)
Check the FORMAT.CONV command in UniVerse User Reference for
a listing of machines and their corresponding machine classes.
Machine classes 0 and 16 are byte format 1 and machine class 1 is byte
format 2.


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