Noel wrote:
Hi all,

I am porting some code from D3 to Universe 10.1.11 on Windows (and then to Linux 10.2.x)

I have a subroutine that does a READU on an item and leaves the lock set when it returns to the calling the program (The calling program will release the lock at a later stage). However, Universe is releasing the lock when it returns from subroutine. Is this a known feature and is there an option to turn off this behaviour?

Very quick testing on my home machine, (Win2K and Universe PE) suggests that if you pass the opened file pointer from the main to the cataloged routine it works as you would expect. If however, you do the file open within the subroutine it releases the lock when you return to the calling program.

Allen Egerton
aegerton at pobox dot com
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