'twere a popular forum discussing this late yesterday @ IBM U2
conference, San Fransisco edition.
Jackie Burhans had I nice chart at the end showing about 8 different
IBM-supplied approaches.
I attended it  mostly to hear any Redback (now aka WebDE) gossip.  I
have to move from 4.2 to  4.4  and it looks like I'll be an early
innovator.  I hate that.  I hope others weigh in here.

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Hutchinson
Has anyone out there made comparisons between the different internet to
U2 linking technologies? The 2 main ones appear to be Web DE (Redback as
was) and mv.net (Uniobjects.net and connection pooling?), although I am
sure there are others out there and if so I would like to hear about
them. Any opinions on costs, useability etc would be welcome,
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