I need to run a UniVerse BASIC program or a "PHANTOM" command from a DOS
command line so that I can 'schedule' a batch file that will start a phantom
that needs to run all the time... Right now, the phantom goes offline with
the backup, and I want to 'auto restart' it at 6am using the Windows

I can't find a 'DOS command line' launcher like I have in UniData.

For example, I want to either execute:


RUN BP PROGNAME.LAUNCHER   ... that in itself does the PHANTOM launch.

How do I get that to a 'one line BAT file' entry?  I've looked at the manual
using 'launch' 'run' 'start' as index lookup items -- none seem to tell me
how to start from a DOS command prompt and execute a UniVerse shell and
directl launch a phantom/program.  And I thought it was going to be uvsh,
but it does not appear it can 'take' arguments...

Thanks for an suggestion here!

David Wolverton
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