"then there's unidata" ... talk about grotesque <G>

   You are right .. moving data is moving data.  A simple save/restore solves a
   lot of problems, if there is one.

   Of course I can follow the norm and just write something and charge the
   client a lot of something that should be there <G>


   Saturday, September 13, 2008, 6:54:47 PM, you wrote:

   BH> G-man:

   BH> Let me try to answer a couple of your questions...

   BH> Moving data can be a goal.  Whether you or I can foresee the need is

   BH> irrelevant.  I've moved quite a few accounts from D3 to UV and UD and I

   BH> suspect Dave has an equally justifiable need (not that he should need to

   BH> justify anything).

   BH> There used to be a "common" backup to an older format that all platforms

   BH> did.  I can remember upgrading several different platforms to D3 and

   BH> upgrading several D3 platforms to U2.  They all had that familiar

   BH> "account-save (a" type of thing.

   BH> Many of the vendors had (have) utilities to bring in accounts from other

   BH> systems.  Flat-file BS is grotesque!  Then there's UniData.  :-)

   BH> Bill

   BH> -----Original Message-----


   BH> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tony G

   BH> Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2008 5:07 PM

   BH> To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org

   BH> Subject: RE: [U2] access to mvBase VTF files

   >> From: David Tod Sigafoos

   >> My higher goal is to move data from mvBase to

   >> uniVerse. Account save / account restore

   >> What I want is information on if this can be done simply.

   >> I can, as ray suggested, read the tape OR i can simply

   >> stream in the file and try to restore on my own.

   BH> [flame jacket in hand]

   BH> Moving data isn't a goal, it's a tactical effort to satisfy some

   BH> more strategic business function.  I'm still curious as to why

   BH> you need to move data using platform-specific media.  I find that

   BH> the real answer to problems we see presented here is frequently

   BH> that the wrong question is being asked.  And while I know there

   BH> can be some resentment when I question why someone is asking for

   BH> a specific solution, that line of inquiry frequently leads to

   BH> saving a lot of time and money in accomplishing the real

   BH> strategic goal.  Seriously, I deal with this all the time.

   BH> The only valid case I can think of for your inquiry is that you

   BH> have an old VTF and the source system no longer exists - maybe a

   BH> crash-n-burn where the user wants to move to U2 rather than to

   BH> pay for a new mvBASE license.  Fair enough.  If that's the case

   BH> then my suggestion is to move the data into a live mvBASE system

   BH> "somewhere" (which you can get for free from any mvBASE dealer)

   BH> and then to extract it out using more conventional means.

   BH> The tape mechanisms in all of these platforms was never intended

   BH> to be cross-platform.  They're intended to backup and restore

   BH> data to a specific platform.  And while we expect to be able to

   BH> move data from one shop to another, across operating systems, and

   BH> across DBMS releases, many of us have found there are occasional

   BH> issues here.  Extract data from these proprietary formats is a

   BH> sure way to win geek points, but it's a pointless business effort

   BH> considering there are better ways to accomplish the goals.

   BH> So I would back up a moment (pun intended I guess) and ask why

   BH> you're not writing flat files that can be transported and then

   BH> read from the file system?  If the systems are local then you can

   BH> simply write to a file in BASIC that's simultaneously accessed by

   BH> Universe.  I do that for development all the time with a bunch of

   BH> DBMS's.

   BH> If the mvBASE system is still up and you want to do this on a

   BH> regular basis, I'm guessing the environments are remote and you

   BH> want to duplicate one or more accounts from one platform and just

   BH> read it somewhere else.  All the File-Save process does is to

   BH> select the SYSTEM file, loop through all MD files, loop through

   BH> all DICT files, and the copy all the DATA file items in a

   BH> proprietary tape buffer format.  I know you could swing that in a

   BH> few minutes, using the same type of recursive loop to create

   BH> directories and write items as files.  ( I actually have code

   BH> like that around here somewhere from an effort where I needed to

   BH> extract an entire R83 system over a network via AccuTerm. )

   BH> Anyway, I hope you accomplish your goals.

   BH> Best,

   BH> T


   DSig                                 `````

   David Tod Sigafoos                  ( O O )

                            _______oOOo__( )__oOOo_______

   "Nothing  in  the  world  is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and
   conscientious stupidity." -- Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968)
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