Interesting idea that.
As standard, all subroutine calls in our software add to a "Stack" and
their names are deleted from the stack when control is returned to the
calling level. It doesn't solve the debug issue, but has given me an
idea about tracing. I'm sure the code was originally designed for such a
purpose, it was just never implemented.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Israel, John R.
Sent: 04 December 2008 13:31
To: ''
Subject: RE: [U2] DEBUG mode on a UniObjects connections

Just chiming in on the debugging in a web page which might also help
here since you loose the ability to interact.

I have written a universal E-mailing program that can be called from any
UniData program.  It will work with both simple text or HTML depending
on how much effort the programmer wants to exert.

There are several simple INCLUDES that store COMMON info so that I can
just plug this into any subroutine I want.

Starting with my top-most subroutine (the one called by Redback), I
INCLUDE my setup code and set a COMMON flag as either null (disable
debugging E-mail) or with the name of the ASP web page (enabling the
debugging E-mail).

At critical points, I test if the E-mailing flag is turned on, and if
so, create an E-mail with all the critical info I might want at that
point, then send the E-mail to myself.  This E-mail includes the
initiating web page and all subroutines that have been called to get to
the current subroutine.

This same COMMON and INCLUDE code is used in any/all called subroutine
that I want to test, and each of these does the same test to see if
debugging E-mail is turned on or not.

This has been a lifesaver and time saver on MANY occations.  A single
web page may generate many debugging E-mails and from these, I can
figure out where my logic is going astray.

Granted, I could write this info to a temp file and read it, but I have
found the E-mailing to be a far superior solution, esp. if I take the
time to make it with full HTML formatting.

The best thing about this is that I can enable/disable all the debugging
E-mails for a web page with a single line change in the top most
subroutine.  Once I have added this code, I never remove it (just
disable it).  This allows me to turn it back on when another change
needs to be made to the application or some other condition occurs that
I need to track.

Hopefully, folks find this technique useful.  It has saved me more times
than I care to mention.

John Israel
Sr. Programmer/Analyst
Dayton Superior Corporation
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