Having been on the board in a past life - for what little I did contribute -
I can say that the U2UG board and volunteers work hard and should be
commended for their efforts.  That said, can we all please stay focused on
the results without getting personal about it?

Personally, I think this B&B thing is an excellent idea and I'm looking
forward to taking a peek at it.   I also think that we as an industry need
to be more forward thinking in adopting web technology, and I'm pleased that
the board is making strong moves in that direction.  (And hey, for this
worldwide group, it just makes good sense.)

This browser incompatibility issue rings oddly familiar, reminiscent of
applications throughout history that only worked properly on Wyse50's or
some other CRT.  Anyone remember PROF on the old Reality systems?  Early
releases of that product were the poster child for terminal incompatibility
(pun intended).  And you know what?  We worked through all that.

Now we're faced with different "terminal emulators" going by the names of
IE, FF, Chrome, Opera, Safari, and a few others.  Sure, the whole connection
method has changed - stateful telnet going the way of stateless http - yet
at the most fundamental level, it's all just bits on a wire talking to some
device on the other end.  Too simple, you say?  I disagree.  It
*is*simple.  It's the same problems we've addressed before and that we
address again and again as the technology landscape evolves.

Having established this context, I do have concerns about the premise that
we need Microsoft technology to do the web properly or that Microsoft
technologies give us something that we couldn't get any other way.  Of
course, the same could be said of IBM or Oracle or ... name any company
here.  As solution providers we need options, and therefore the best thing
our vendors can do is to give us more options to do what we need to do as
quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively as possible.  To that end, what
the B&B group is doing is positive steps in the right direction.
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