Allen wrote:
> Other onsite and offsite clients that didn't want to 
> spend the time or just blurted out incorrect answers 
> to end the questioning.... received finished projects 
> that matched the quality of their answers and the 
> quantity of their time invested.

Hmmm, I dunno if this is good or bad in the eyes of the masses,
but I won't deliver a finished product where there isn't a
reasonably clear line from here to there.  I'm not saying I'm
going to hold out for every "i" to be dotted on a signed spec.
I'm saying if there are obvious holes in the request, where we
have a strong feeling that the project is going to end with a
perception of failure, I personally prefer to withdraw from
starting down the path that will lead to that failure, and
possibly the blame for it.

I've had to learn this the hard way, after eagerly trying (but
failing) to please a few clients who couldn't express what they
wanted, but they expected me to deliver 'it' anyway.  I still get
lots of inquiries like "I want a website, how much will 'it'
cost?"  Well, we can't estimate 'it' and we can't code 'it' until
we know what 'it' is.  I won't subscribe to the GIGO principle of
development where I'll accept garbage for a spec, knowing that
they're going to get garbage at the end of the project.  No one
is happy with that sort of solution.

I provide two services - the first is to help determine what is
needed, and the second is to create it.  While the first part
often isn't required, unfortunately some clients who need it
don't have the patience for it.  But I consider it my job to ask
the questions that should lead to success.  When I get vague
specs, I don't deliver vague results.  I tell my clients that the
more time I need to spend on the clock asking questions, the less
time I'm spending in code.  I'll do what's required to get them
where they want to go but we need to work out if I should be
asking the questions or if they can get someone who can quickly
provide the required specs and data.  This is where a
"programmer" becomes a "consultant", and in most cases clients
need and appreciate someone who can ask the right questions and
get the right answers - more than they need or appreciate someone
who just cranks out code.

Tony Gravagno
Nebula Research and Development
Nebula R&D sells mv.NET and other Pick/MultiValue products
worldwide, and provides related development services
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