I have an interesting application issue.  Currently we have the vast majority 
of the application traffic on the ERP system (Datatel's Colleague) accessing 
the database thru listeners connecting via UniObjects.  The UniObjects 
interface appears to be saturated, after about three listeners connect in we 
max out at throughput -- more listeners do not give us more transactions per 
second.  Is it possible to bring up a second daemon so that UniObjects can be 
accessed on another port? 

The machine we are doing this on is an HP "baby Superdome" and has plenty of 
hoursepower -- and plenty of free resources.  Disk bottlenecks have been 
cleared up, plenty of free cpu, etc.  The "HP/sysadmin folks" are saying that 
it appears to be database related, and I thought this would be a great 
experiment to try.

Thanks for any advice!

Steve Kneizys

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