
>In BASIC, *EVERYTHING* is a string (apart from file variables). 
>Therefore any comparison should be valid.

To be more precise, no.

UniVerse Basic is a run-time typed language (like PHP) not a string
language. So it gets the performance and storage benefits of real types, and
coerces between types under the cover. If you say For I = 1 To 10, and
examine I in the debugger, you will see that it is an integer, not a string.
If you later say I="FRED" it will be coerced into a string, as will I :=
"FRED" or I<2> = "FRED".

In addition to file variables, there are plenty other structures that are
not coercible into strings: select list handles (from EXECUTE statement,
SELECT. > SOMELIST), XML DOM handles and BCI context handles to name but a

It may seem pedantic, but these distinctions are important when selling the
benefits of language like UniVerse Basic. The word 'untyped' offends some
sectors of the programming community. 'run-time typed' is generally more
acceptable. (and it's funny how many developers sneer at the first mention
of these, until you follow up with the PHP analogy.. and suddenly they see
the light).


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