
Aside from the Unix to Windows differences, and the fact you're using a GDI printer, there may be some Windows 2008 issues with SETPTR.

We've been testing UniData on Windows 2008 R2. The SETPTR verb with a DEST (I believe DEST and AT are synonyms) pauses for about 15-20 seconds before returning. It seems there's some kind of problem with the Windows "splwow64.dll". Since our character-based application has a spooler manager module that executes the SETPTR with the DEST option many times for all of our reporting, having this problem means we cannot upgrade UniData to Windows 2008 R2. We are proceeding, however, to upgrade our web-based application since we can get by without using the SETPTR command (and can't - no more printing to system printers). So, from our perspective, UD doesn't run properly on Windows 2008 R2.

I was under the impression that this problem didn't exist in UniVerse, but there may be some kind of UAC problem. Rocket hasn't released any documentation regarding U2 on Win 2008, but I've found that if I turn off UAC it helps. I've also found there are miscellaneous problems where some stuff works better when "Run as Administrator". Also, some software doesn't work well unless logged in as "administrator" (the real "administrator" user, not just a member of the "administrators" group).

So, all in all, I'd check in with the UV support group to see if they can find a 'work-around' for your problem, or identify the security issue(s).



jpb-u2ug said the following on 7/9/2010 6:32 AM:
We've just converted over to Windows 2008 Server running UV 10.3.3 from RH
Linux and I've come across an error that we never had on the Linux system. I
set up a printer with the SETPTR command:

AccountPrint_Landscape,GDI,FONTNAME Courier New,FONTSIZE 8

Then I try to spool a file:


Then I get the following error and the session I am working in locks up.

Pstartjob: Failed to impersonate user. Error = 6

Any answers?

Jerry Banker

UV Project Leader

Senior Programmer Analyst

IBM Certified Solutions Expert

Administration and Development

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