
I am afraid you are wrong.
TigerLogic actually have an office in the UK (Buckinghamshire).
And unlike Rocket they also have offices in France and Germany.
Just go to their website and click on Contact us and you will see where
you can find them.

On 11/04/2011 09:23, Symeon Breen wrote:
> Tony RE why Unidata instead of Pick
> Well Tony I don’t live in rainy California, but in sunny England  ;) ,
> Unidata/Vmark/Ardent/IBM/Rocket have always had a very strong corporate
> presence here – The Uk and the US have always been the major MV centres, and
> in the UK SystemBuilder, Vmark, Unidata, Prime, Jbase, Reality, Cache, QM
> all had corporate headquarters or a large corporate presence in the UK. I
> may be wrong but i don’t think Pick systems/Raining Data have ever really
> had much of a corporate presence here. TBH I don’t know of any UK vars even,
> tho I am sure there are some. So the upshot is, I have never been involved
> with them much at all. I know many of the jbase/reality/U2 guys but no one
> from Pick.
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Tony Gravagno
> Sent: 08 April 2011 00:59
> To:
> Subject: Re: [U2] Databasic conversion
>> From: Mecki Foerthmann
>> AFAIK UD can be run in case insensitive mode as well.
>> I always turned case-insensitivity off in D3 because I think
>> it's a real pain in the neck.
>> Sounded great to start with but when you see the first
> printouts (i.e.
>> invoices) you curse yourself if you didn't turn it off.:-(
> Not to (re)start a war but just present the other side: I
> consider case-insensitivity to be one strong advantage in D3 over
> other platforms.  I constantly stumble on the requirement to get
> the casing just right at TCL and elsewhere in some MV
> environments when it's completely unnecessary and archaic that we
> should need to stumble on such a thing.  Same goes for the
> difference between dashes and dots (LIST-ITEM vs LIST.ITEM) which
> is nicely translated for us in QM, Caché, and maybe in some
> flavors in U2.
> So just to balance it out.  Some people swear at
> case-insensitivity, but I swear by it.
> WRT the OP : As soon as I saw the question about D3 to Unidata I
> immediately thought of the years of pain to which Bill Haskett
> was subjected.  From his experience I swore off ever porting to
> Unidata.  YMMV
> Symeon, perhaps in another thread (or email) you could explain
> why a site feels a need to migrate from D3, and then why they
> chose Unidata.  With apologies to the sensitive, I don't think a
> migration from D3 is justified except for some extreme cases, and
> as to choosing Unidata, I don't see the business or technical
> benefits at all.
> Oh OK, I'll start a holy war.  The only compelling reason for
> migration from a competing platform to U2 _used_ to be the IBM
> name.  That doesn't exist anymore.  Now these platforms need to
> compete on their technical merits and Rocket needs to sell itself
> on superiority as a business partner.  Sorry folks but I don't
> see any of that.  Really - "where's the beef?"  U2 is good
> software and the U2 team at Rocket are good people.  But I don't
> see any compelling reasons to choose this platform over any other
> these days.  The political "can't get fired for buying IBM" edge
> is gone.  Feel free to defend the platform because you've already
> made the investment and it's politically correct for you to take
> an obvious position, but be prepared for some pragmatic requests
> for more compelling reasoning.  I'd really like to understand why
> any site would want to migrate to U2 these days.
> T
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